Internet marketing requires that you attract new subscribers to your opt-in email list. This is the most important factor. Although there are many ways to do this, one proven method should be used regardless of whether it seems to contradict your ultimate goal.
Giving away your product is one of the most effective ways to build an email list. This report, eBook, audio or other product can be downloaded by anyone visiting your blog or website. The bonus is that they will need to sign up for your mailing list before they can download this report, eBook, audio, or other resource. You shouldn't discount the power of giving away something for free. Don't underestimate the power and value of "free", as it can be very rewarding.
It isn't new to give something away as a free sample. Many supermarkets and food stores offer a free sample of the foods they promote. It's easy to take the sample, try it, and then you decide to buy it. This will make you want to buy more. Similar principles can be applied to your niche online business. You can provide a resource that is both useful and offers a glimpse of your products for visitors to use as a way to help them move forward. To continue learning and enjoying your emails, they must purchase the products you offer school email lists.

As a digital product, the resource can be free and cost little to produce. You can create a brief report and convert it to a pdf file. Then you have a product that you can give away. You can also use the free recording software to record audio. The cost of recording audio will not be in money but rather in time. You can also monetize your free gift by linking to products that will help the reader.
This free gift can also be passed on to others. This is called viral marketing. Although the recipient may not have signed up for your email list automatically, they are likely to visit your website and sign up or click on a link that leads to a product. You will then be rewarded with an order.
Remember that the resource should be relevant and offer real value. You should give something you can sell as a separate product. If the gift is of low value, what incentive is there to think that you are getting better quality products if it is free? When giving something away for free, remember that first impressions count. It should be filled with value and provide valuable information. The person who has signed up for your email list will be more likely to listen to what it has to offer.
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